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Meinl Cymbals - Robert 'Sput' Searight - "Stutter"

3 Streams
Published on 08/22/24 / In Instruments / Drums

Meinl Cymbals artist Robert ‘Sput’ Searight plays an exclusive track by Kaz Rodriguez called “Stutter.”

Sput’s Meinl Cymbals setup from left to right, if sitting behind the kit, is as follows:

16” Byzance Extra Dry Medium Hihats
12” Generation X X-Treme Stack Top (underneath hihats)
22” Byzance Vintage Sand Crash-Ride (left crash top)
12” Classics Custom Trash Splash (left crash bottom)
10” Byzance Vintage Trash Splash (left stack top)
10” Byzance Extra Dry Splash (left stack bottom)
18” Byzance Vintage Pure Crash (right stack top w/ Ching Ring)
14” Generation X X-Treme Stack Bottom (right stack bottom)
20” Byzance Vintage Trash Crash
20” Byzance Vintage Crash (right crash top)
12” Classics Custom Trash Splash (right crash bottom)

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