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SABATON Live Stream ⦁ 24/7 ⦁ Best of Heavy Metal ⦁ Non-stop Headbanging ⦁ New & Old Releases

13 Streams
Published on 11/24/23 / In Live Music Stream

Join us for an adrenaline-fueled journey into the realm of all things Sabaton, as we bring you the best 24/7 metal live stream of our extensive catalogue of music. 🤘🎶
From our old classics to our new releases, our non-stop radio guarantees an unparalleled metal feast that will ignite your passion for headbanging, moshing and air-guitaring. Whether it's day or night, weekdays or weekends, this will always be here to deliver the relentless energy of our music straight to your speakers.
Tune in and unleash the power of Sabaton today! 🤘🔥

🤖 Sabaton Bot
The Sabaton Bot is your friendly companion that will provide you with valuable information and convenient links about the current track playing, as well as exciting insights into upcoming tracks. Feel free to engage with the Sabaton Bot for an enhanced and interactive experience throughout the stream!

💬Chat Commands
!spotify (Returns the link of the current track on Spotify)
!apple (Returns the link of the current track on Apple Music)
!google (Search for the current track on Google)
!love (Let others know you're in love with the current track)
!previous (Displays the previous song title and artist)
!track (Displays the current song title and artist)

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• YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Saba....ton?sub_confirmation
• Website: https://www.sabaton.net
• Official Store: https://sabat.one/ytdshop

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• Instagram (Sabaton Store): https://sabat.one/InstagramStore

Sabaton History: https://www.youtube.com/c/Saba....tonHistory?sub_confi

Sabaton is a registered and protected trademark.

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