Paul McCartney's Piano Lesson
Paul McCartney teaches a piano lesson. The Beatles' singer/songwriter shares his approach to learning and writing songs on the piano. John Lennon used this approach when writing "Imagine" as has John Legend when writing some of his songs. He's speaking with Rick Rubin. From McCartney 3, 2, 1.
Beatles playlist:
#thebeatles #thebeatlesgetback #getback #paulmccartney #masterclass #beatlespianotutorial #getbackfunnymomentsbeatles #mccartney321
0:00 - Paul can't read music
0:20 - Middle "C"
0:55 - Moving the chord shape
1:15 - Permutations
2:00 - Learned it from Jerry Lee Lewis
2:22 - Harmonies
2:50 - Experimentation - Imagine
3:03 - On John Legend (not Lennon)
3:33 - Bach is their favorite composer
3:50 - Paul likes the math
4:29 - Outro