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52nd Street - 'Tell Me How It Feels'.

4 Streams
Published on 12/20/24 / In One Hit Wonders

OK OK you guys, I know this tune is an old school R&B anthem so chill on the old mail box about "Where's the video." Through short sightedness and idiot thinking neither Virgin nor MCA could get their act together to fund an official promo for what has been 52nd Street's biggest ever track. A source from BET (Black Entertainment Television) told me some time ago that this tune was the most requested track on their channel in that period that didn't have a video, so they were powerless and couldn't rotate it. That situation certainly cost the band the US Billboard R&B #1 slot and possible Top 40 Pop placing. Silly! seeing that the band had already had two Billboard hits in 83 and 85. To date 'Tell Me' is one of the most covered/sampled British Soul/R&B tracks ever. Jay Z (Still yet to release his version, I've heard it and it is dope), Melissa Morgan, 3XKrazy (Keep it on the Real), Kaliphz (Wass the Deal) the list goes on. Here's a teaser the full version will follow soon. Enjoy...

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