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Brent Jones - Nothing Else Matters (INSTEAD OF COMPLAINING, PRAISE HIM)

7 Streams
Published on 05/24/24 / In Gospel / Christian

Hey everybody! This is my new single: Nothing Else Matters (INSTEAD OF COMPLAINING, PRAISE HIM). It's a classic Brent Jones choir jam for the ages! Enjoy! #brentjones #nothingelsematters #choirjam #gospel #gospelmusic #urban #urbangospel #urbangospelmusic #thechoirmaster #christian #praise #music #contemporarymusic #idareyoutopraisehim #idontcarewhoslookingatme #choir #gospelchoir #youtubemusic #hitrecord #jam #choirmusic #insteadofcomplainingpraisehim #praisehim #idontcarewhoslookingatme

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