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Ralo Chapter 46 | Paperwork Party (VLOG)

1 Streams
Published on 03/17/25 / In Vlog

Ralo responds to all snitching allegations and shows all proofs behind what occurred in proffer meeting. Ralo admits to trying to pay fall guys $400,000 to take a charge on his behalf to gain a reduction of his 97 Months federal prison sentence. The federal government looked into all information that was given and accused Ralo of seeking to undermine the government. All information was proven to be false and lead Ralo into a deeper punishment. Ralo has been found guilty of lying and giving false information.

Shot by @7saloum

#Ralo #Snitch #Rat #Boosie #Jade #BigBank #famerica #hiphop #BigFacts #Proffer
No #5k1 nor #Rule35 has been filed by the government on Ralo's behalf. #DoonkiWild #Menu #Paperwork #Chosen

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